New Updated Hotlist

Hi Professionals,
Please find the below Updated Hotlist for your reference.

Additionally, I kindly request that you share the daily requirements with me via email. Could you please add my email to your distribution list to ensure I receive the updates regularly?

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response

S.NOConsultantSkillVisaYears Of ExpRelocate
1RamdasPL/SQL DeveloperH1B16 YearsYES
2MonaQA PMGC9+ YearsYES
3KalaiyasriQA LEADH1B12+ YearsYES
4Anup KumarData AnalystH1B12+ YearsYES
5SairamCitrix AdminH1B15+ YearsYES
6KalpannaTableau DeveloperH1B12+ YearsYES
9JaikumarSitecore, .NetH1B10+ YearsYES
10Rama KrishnaWebMethods , Java, AzureH1B14+ YearsYES
11SrinivasQAH1B13+ yearsYES
12krishna tejaJAVA Full stackH1B12+YearsYES
13Sunil BasettiSAP ABAPH1B17+ YearsYES
14Mian Shehryar KarimiNetWork EngineerH1B15+ YearsYES
15Sai Bhargav AbbojuSAP ABAPH1B10+  YearsYES
16DileepSAP PPH1B10+ YearsYES
17DhruvSAP FICOH1B9+ YearsYES
18Prasanna KumarSAPUI5/Fiori DeveloperH1B9+  YearsYES
19SowmyaSAP ABAPH4EAD8+ YearsYES
20Ram DheerajSAP ABAPH1B10+ YearsYES
21VivekSAP PPH1B10+  YearsYES
22NithinSAP ABAPH1B12+ YearsRemote
23Sai SideeptaData EngineerH1B10+ YearsRemote
24AmruthData EngineerH1B11+ YearsRemote
25ArunaDot Net DeveloperOPT10 YearsYES
26Prathap ChandraScrum MasterGC EAD17+  YearsYES
Desk: 913 349 1505

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