Write for US

Write for us

Write to us Guidelines:

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We are glad that you have found your way to US Staffing. USA Staffing is a virtual space where you can curate your writing style and the essence of creating naturally engaging content pieces for the sake of economic and career benefits. 

We are now open to accepting guest posts on a variety of topics relevant to our sites. From technology to the entertainment industry, from wellness blogs to miscellaneous topics, you can find your niche and write for usWe have listed down several guidelines that you should give a thorough whiz around. 

Guidelines For Guest Post Submissions:

  • Originality is a must: 

Content that has not been published on any of the websites is a must. We expect ingenious pieces of writing with a new spin to them. Keeping that in mind, pieces that have been rewritten, paraphrased, or spun will not be accepted. 

  • All Niche:

We accept several unique articles written on SEO, social media, online marketing, blogging, copywriting, and other aspects of social media marketing. 

  • Must Make The 100% Mark Of Article Requirements

The article should pass the plagiarism test and must be 100% original. Although the length of the article may vary from one topic to another, make sure that each piece submitted for the guest posting is genuine and unique, and grammatically correct. For any inquiries on the topic, you may contact us via our email address. 

  • Should Be Seo-friendly:

Our goal is to rank through the traffic system. And to do it, we must create articles and blogs that are SEO friendly. To formulate such pieces, you may include appropriate images, one or two hyperlinks. 

  • The transference of copyright:

Once you submit the articles and blogs to have, the copyright for the pieces will be transferred to us. Hence, we will hold the right to either reject or edit the article up to our liking. 

The Topics We Will Help You Curate:

Most of our audience includes those enthusiastic readers and team members from different organization departments looking to make themselves educated. Therefore, we focus on providing them with tips, best practices on contemporary topics, guides on how certain phenomena work, entertainment news and commercials as well as entrepreneurial information. 

We aim to provide our readers with a library of innovation and insight in an engaging, and interesting way. Hence, we only accept compelling pieces of writing that fall into the category of our topics and adhere to the guidelines to improve the workflow of our audience. Send us your pieces on (insert email address) and we will get back in no time.

You can easily be in touch through Usstaffinginc.org@gmail.com