URGENT: Candidates hotlist | C2C


Please find below some of my available consultants, we are looking for a C2C Contract, please do not hesitate in contact me if you have any position for them.

Consultant NamePositionVisa TypeExperiencePrimary skillsSecondary Skills:Additional skillsCurrent LocationRelocationRate
Ricardo RodriguezPython DeveloperTN10 yearsPython (Certified Associate Programmer), Java, Swift, SQL, Bash, HTML, JavaScript, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Pytest, unittest, Pandas, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, AWS (Lambda, CloudFormation, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, VPC, Step Functions, IAM), GCPDocker, Kubernetes, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, YAML, Elasticsearch (ES), DataDog, Kibana, Keycloak, OAuth, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), SSL/TLS, Basic AuthKafka, ISO8586, RESTful APIs, API Gateway, Jira, Confluence, Slack, MS Teams, PagerDuty, Crontab, Jira, BitBucket,New YorkAnywhere70 USD /H (Open to negotiation)
Joseph VegaSr. Cloud EngineerTN8 yearsPython, HTML, Bash, Google Cloud (GCP), Kubernetes, Virtual Machines (VM), Openstack, Glance, Nova, Neutron, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, REST API, AWS, Huawei Cloud, Rackspace Cloud, Terraform, Git, Github,VPC, Cloud Load Balancer, MIG, Autoscaling, Cloud Trace, Logging & Monitoring, EC2, Lambda, IAM, Container, SDK CloudLinux, Windows, CentOS, RedHat, Apache Spark, Python, DataBricks PostgreSQL, Cloud governance, AzureNew YorkAnywhere80 USD /H (Open to negotiation)
Erick HolguinUI/UX Front End DeveloperTN8 yearsJavascript, Python, Java, C#, Web API Restful, React JS, Node JS, Angular, JavaScript ES6, TypeScript, HTML5 and CSS3, SaaS, Bootstrap, Material UI, Express.js, API REST development,Mongoose : Python 2, Python 3, Agile, Django, Flask, Express Library, SOAP Web services, AWS (EC2, IAM, Lambda, S3), Docker containersJira, Scrum, Docker, Ngnix web versions, IIS Web servers, Linux Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.14, Ubuntu 22.14, Mac OS X, CentOS (Linux)New YorkAnywhere68 USD /H (Open to negotiation)


Phone: (917) 746-8220

Email: gines@openwavecomp.com

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